Friday, May 30, 2008

Gockel Jazz Explosion II painting

Gockel Jazz Explosion II painting
Gockel Jazz on the Circle painting
Gockel Jazz on the Square painting
Gockel Karma Sutra I painting
A characteristic, but not exactly complimentary, congratulation," returned Laurie, still in an abject attitude, but beaming with satisfaction.
"What can you expect, when you take one's breath away, creeping in like a burglar, and letting cats out of bags like that? Get up, you ridiculous boy, and tell me all about it."
"Not a word, unless you let me come in my old place, and promise not to barricade."
Jo laughed at that as she had not done for many a long day, and patted the sofa invitingly, as she said in a cordial tone, "The old pillow is up garret, and we don't need it now. So, come and fess, Teddy."
"How good it sounds to hear you say `Teddy'! No one ever calls me that but you." And Laurie sat down with an air of great content.
"What does Amy call you?"
"My lord."
"That's like her. Well, you look it." And Jo's eye plainly betrayed that she found her boy comelier than ever.

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