Monday, July 14, 2008

Alphonse Maria Mucha paintings

Alphonse Maria Mucha paintings
Benjamin Williams Leader paintings
Sit in a chair with one hand above your navel and one below so you can feel your abs moving in and out. Imagine that your belly is an elevator, and inhale deeply through your nose, expanding your middle fully; this is the "first floor." Now exhale through your mouth, pulling your navel toward your spine; this is the "fifth floor." Do five little squeezes, picturing your navel going out the back of your spine; this is the "sixth floor." Do 10 times.ContractionsSit in a chair, one hand above your navel and one below. Inhale and expand your belly, bring it back about halfway (third floor), then exhale and pull your navel in toward your spine (fifth floor). Squeeze your belly and hold for a moment, counting aloud 1. Release back to the third floor. Do 100 quick repetitions.Standing Pelvic Tilts

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