Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fra Angelico paintings

Fra Angelico paintings
Frederic Edwin Church paintings
Being happy and staying happy is all about our day-to-day activities according to this theory of sustainable happiness. Research suggests that the contributions to our 50% genetic, 10% from our circumstances and fully 40% determined by our day-to-day activities. But what evidence is there for this theory?
One prediction from this theory is that engaging in new activities should increase our more than an improvement in our circumstances. This is exactly what Sheldon and Lyubomirsky (2006) tested in three related studies.
Frederic Remington paintings
New activities vs. new circumstancesTwo different signs were put up around a university campus asking for participants. One asked for participants who had recently seen an improvement in their circumstances while another asked for those who had recently taken up a new activity.The study also tested how much these changes had been affected by hedonic adaptation (see sustainable

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