Monday, February 16, 2009

Paul Cezanne Still Life with Flowers and Fruit

Paul Cezanne Still Life with Flowers and FruitPaul Cezanne Still Life with Apples and OrangesPaul Cezanne Still Life with a Skull
compass there were several little pictures, each of them painted with extraordinary precision, as if on ivory with the finest and slenderest sable brush. She turned the dial around to look at them all. There was an anchor; an hourglass surmounted by a skull; a chameleon, a bull, a beehive...Thirty-six altogether, and she couldn't even guess , and seemed to be made of a duller metal than the other three. Lyra couldn't control its movement at all; it swung where it wanted to, like a compass needle, except that it didn't settle.
"Meter means measure," said Pantalaimon. "Like thermometer. The Chaplain told us that."
"Yes, but that's the easy bit," she whispered back. "What d'you think it's for?"what they meant."There's a wheel, look," said Pantalaimon. "See if you can wind it up."There were three little knurled winding wheels, in fact, and each of them turned one of the three shorter hands, which moved around the dial in a series of smooth satisfying clicks. You could arrange them to point at any of the pictures, and once they had clicked into position, pointing exactly at the center of each one, they would not move.The fourth hand was longer and more slender

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