Monday, April 27, 2009

Andy Warhol Pink Cow

Andy Warhol Pink CowAndy Warhol Ingrid with HatAndy Warhol Flowers 1964Tom Thomson Woodland Waterfall
good vendettas, didn't really need a reason any more. It was enough that it had always hated trolls because trolls hated dwarfs, and vice versa.
The Watch lurked in Three Lamps Alley, which was about halfway down Short Street. There was a distant crackle of fireworks. Dwarfs let A second thought struck him. Carrot was a simple lad.
'Corporal Carrot?'
'Sort this lot out, will you?'
Carrot peered around the corner at the advancing walls of trolls and dwarfs. They'd already seen each other.
'Right you are, sergeant,' he said. 'Lance-Constables Cuddy and Detritus – don't salute! – you come with me.'
'You can't let him go out there!' said Angua. 'It's certain death!'
'Got a real sense o'duty, that boy,' said Corporal Nobbs. He took a minute length of dog-end from behind his ear and struck a match on the sole of his boot.them off to drive away evil mine spirits. Trolls let them off because they tasted nice.'Don't see why we can't let 'em fight it out amongst themselves and then arrest the losers,' said Corporal Nobbs. 'That's what we always used to do.''The Patrician gets really shirty about ethnic trouble,' said Sergeant Colon moodily. 'He gets really sarcastic about it.'A thought struck him. He brightened up a little bit.'Got any ideas, Carrot?' he said.

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