Friday, May 8, 2009

Andy Warhol Guns

Andy Warhol GunsAndy Warhol Gun 1982Andy Warhol Dollar Sign 1981
far below, and erupts into fragments.
Miss Butts shuffled the paperwork nervously.
Here was one from the girl aged six:
What We Did On our Holidys: What I did On my holidys I staid with grandad he has a big White hors and a garden it is al Black. We had YES. I COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING.
And rides away.
Miss Butts shuffled paper again. She was feeling dis­tracted and nervous, a feeling common to anyone who had much to do with the gel. Paper usually made her feel better. It was more dependable.
Then there had been the matter of . . . the accident.Eg and chips.Then the oil from the coach‑lamps ignites and there is a second explosion, out of which rolls ‑ because there are certain conventions, even in tragedy ‑ a burning wheel.And another paper, a drawing done at age severe. All in black. Miss Butts sniffed. It wasn't as though the gel had only a black crayon. It was a fact that the Quirm College for Young Ladies had quite expensive crayons of all colours.And then, after the last of the ember spits and crackles, there is silence.And the watcher. Who turns, and says to someone in the darkness:

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